Cafe Loco

Cafe Loco is a React.js app that sources data from Airtable via API. Users can add new coffee to the database and vote on their favorites. The voting function will count & display the total number of votes and order the coffee accordingly. The submitted coffee will also be instantly rendered on the application for users to see.

JayWalkin Shoes

Jay Walkin shoes is a full stack React + Express.js application. Shoe data is stored on the Express server and the React app interacts with it to get data and render it to the screen. The project features a fully-featured login-logout system that let’s authorized users edit and create shoe data.

Austin Prop. B Camping Ban Tracker

This application is build using vanilla JS, CSS, & HTML. The CSS and JS document are linked in the head of the HTML document. The website sources data from the Austin gov API. The purpose is to see the number of police calls that have been logged for prop B. infractions.

A little back-story, Austin is becoming on of the most popular cities in America. Population increase has raised dramatically and money is pouring in. What tends to happen in wealthy cities is a segregation of classes. The place really becomes hard to afford to live in for many people and the homeless population increase. Prior to Proposition B., open camping was allowed in Austin. The law changes that and makes it illegal to open camp.